Platelet-rich (PRP) therapy

PRP therapy

Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) is an option in regenerative medicine that promotes the healing of injuries or diseases through direct injection into an affected site based on the restorative ability of growth factors in self-derived platelets. In foreign countries, PRP attracts attention as a new therapy, having been used for treatment of joint pain in professional athletes since around 2000. PRP therapy have been applied to fertility treatment in other countries.

PRP therapy: intractable infertility

In Japan, Sanno Hospital (Tokyo) and other medical institutes started a clinical research on the addition of PRP therapy to intractable infertility treatment, and the final report will be presented at the meeting of Japan Society of Fertilization and Implantation in August 2019.

An interim report was presented at the 71st Annual Congress of Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology (Nagoya, April 2019) and implantation was confirmed in five (26.3%) of 19 cases of intractable infertility, among which, three cases led to delivery. The obstetrics and gynecology PRP study group was formed based on those results with the mission of making PRP therapy available anywhere in Japan. Sanno Hospital commenced PRP therapy for intractable infertility in March 2019.

Obstetrics and Gynecology PRP Society

An academic research organization specializing in regenerative medicine PRP therapy for infertility treatment in obstetrics and gynecology.